Best Homepage Ever: Design Aesthetic

Best Homepage Ever: Design Aesthetic


When people land on a web page they shape the first impression. As in the famous saying “You don’t have a second chance to shape the first impression”. In case, your visitors get a negative impression they tend to leave your site and have a negative influence on your business growth. So, as a website owner, you should develop the best homepage ever for your platform in order not to miss a single visitor. In this article, we will discuss what to consider and what to do to achieve this goal.


Why Do You Need to Develop the Best Homepage Ever?


The home page is the general page of your website. It is the one that hosts the majority of your incoming traffic. Accordingly, it should be properly designed and developed to be easy to understand by the audience, meet their expectations, and answer their questions. To create a properly designed home page, you need to focus on several aspects.

- Clarity. The visitors should immediately get a general idea and easily navigate to find the sections they require. This refers to website design, structure, and content. It should be designed in a simple and easy-to-understand way in order not to mislead people or make them confused.

- Expectations. As the general landing page of your website, the home page should meet the expectations of your audience. For instance, searching for services or products you offer, people reach and land on your home page. How appreciated it is if they don’t find what they were looking for? They become disappointed and leave your site.

Expectations: Why Do You Need to Develop the Best Homepage Ever?

- Answers. Scrolling your home page, visitors should immediately get the message you transfer. While checking out your web page, people look for services, products, or have questions that need proper answers. Your home page should make them satisfied.

But… What if your home page doesn’t follow these points? Why do you need to make as much effort? Do you guess what? If your home page is not properly designed,

  • Visitors get a negative impression
  • They tend to leave
  • You miss potential customers
  • Your sales decreases
  • No word about growth
  • The business goes down

Do you have such a negative image of the future of your business? I’m sure, you do not. That’s why I have made detailed research and separated all the essential points of the home page. You should focus on these aspects in order to offer a landing page people enjoy scrolling.


Best Home Page Ever #1 Design Aesthetic


Visuals immediately attract people’s attention. This is enough to pay the most attention to the design aesthetics. First of all, choose a comfortable color for your page. If we go deeper, it should be related to your brand color, so choose it carefully. Analyze the psychological effect of colors, make a research about the meanings of colors, and choose the best possible. It should be pleasant to the human eye and evoke positive feelings. Take into account that colors have different meanings in different cultures. Especially if you do not target one specific culture, you need to consider this factor in order not to disappoint even a single member of the potential customers’ pool.

Design Aesthetic

Choose icons, images, and symbols carefully. They should be related to your brand and recognizable for the visitors. They say people understand things better with visuals rather than texts. So, make sure to use necessary visual elements in order not to be misunderstood or mislead the visitors. Also, do not overuse visuals. Everything is beautiful inside its limits. Make everything clear and do not confuse people with an overflowing web page.

Various specialists offer different website design quotations. You should be clever enough to compare both individual specialists and companies to choose the best one whom you’ll trust your great home page design. If you need to discuss your great home page design, get in touch with us. Our team of creative designers is ready to open discussions in order to offer inspirational solutions.



If you want to learn more about design aesthetics, check out one of my previous articles related to modern website design trends. It will help you add some creative and inspirational points. Accordingly, you’ll go along with the flow and do not stay behind your competitors.


Best Home Page Ever #2 Textual Content


The main heading of your home page (h1) is the most essential point in the textual content of the page. It should be simple, clear, and concise. In some cases, people prefer to make it memorable as well. They use rhyme, play with words, or make use of other methods. This heading is very important as it is the first point people read when land on your page. It should be to the point and clear enough to convey the most critical benefit you offer.

Textual Content

Present supporting texts as well. However, do not use them more than required. Today we are lazy to read long texts, so, do not overdo it. When presenting texts, focus on the benefits of the readers. Do not write about what you give but highlight what they get.

It will be better to have different sections on the home page for the advantageous features, special offers, best products, suggested services, and whatever else you find worthy to present to the audience.


Best Home Page Ever #3 Easy Navigation


When people enter your website they should easily understand the structure and navigate through the pages. Pay enough attention to the navigation bar on the top of your website. Include the links to take the most essential pages of your website. Make it easier for visitors to find their required page.

Make sure to include your clickable logo in the top left-hand corner just at the beginning of the navigation bar. It should lead the users to the home page from any other page on your site. When people appear on a page and want to go back the only page they are more likely to visit is the home page. Make it easier having displayed your clickable logo in the navigation bar.

Easy Navigation

Other essential pages to include in the navbar are:

- About Us. This page helps visitors learn more about the brand, team, services, etc. People like relationships and they tend to know you as a human. In this regard, the “About Us” page creates the human face of your online business.

- Contact Us. When people have questions related to your services, need a piece of advice, or just want to get in touch with you to thank you for the great service you offer, they need to know your contact. Make it available and even easy to reach you.

- Products. If you operate an online shop, it is important to include the product page in your navbar. People should make a minimal effort to reach your products.

- Services. In case you don’t offer materialistic products and goods, but services, you should have the services page in the navbar. Landing on this page, people learn what services you offer with all the details. 

- Log in or Sign up. If your platform has such features, make it visible and eye-catching.

- Search. Include the search section in your navigation bar. It makes it easier for the users to find things, products, or services easier, without passing from this page to that. All they need is to type whatever they look for and search.

- Blog. Include the blog section if you operate one. Make it easier for people to read your articles and learn more about your business niche, benefits, as well as what makes you different from others.


Best Home Page Ever #4 CTA Buttons


What do you want from people who visit your home page? Probably you want to convert them into happy and satisfied customers. And what do you need to do in order to make it possible?

Step 1. First of all, you need to attract the attention of visitors with your creative website design.

Step 2. Arouse the interest of the reader with your concise and to the point textual explanation. Make them believe in the benefit they get from your offer and trust you.

Step 3. Increase the interest so much that the readers have a desire. They say, if you have a burning desire you’ll do even the impossible to achieve your goal. Make your offer the goal of the visitors.

Step 4. Prompt the user to an action. Include CTA buttons. These are a call to action buttons that make people do an important action such as subscribe or free trial buttons.

CTA Buttons

The text written on the CTA buttons should be catchy, creative, and concise. Long texts do not have a nice look on the buttons. Make sure that all the CTA buttons are functional and lead to the right pages.


Best Home Page Ever #5 SEO Friendly Page


Every page of your website, especially the home page, should be optimized for the search engines. Optimization will make it easier for engines to recognize your website and display it on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).


What do you need to do in this regard?


1. Include the h1 tag. Make sure your main heading has the h1 tag. Even if you are far from development, it is easy to check. Make the right click on your mouse and click on the “Inspect”. In the opened window, check. The main heading should be included between the h1 and /h1 tags. The missing h1 tag is an error for your website.

2. Present the metadata. The first point is the “meta title”. It is the title of the page displayed on SERPs. The second one is the “meta description”. It is the short description of your page again shown on SERPs. And one of the most essential points - keywords. These are the words and expressions people search for when looking for services or products you offer. These keywords should be included in your textual content, as well as in the image tags, which we are going to discuss in the next point. The most important thing to consider is not to overuse the keywords.

3. Optimize images. All the images and icons on your page should have “alt” and “title” tags. In this way, you give a name to the image and make it easier for the search engines to recognize the image. As I have already told you, it’s better to include keywords in the tag content as well.

Optimize images

Also, pay attention to the size of your images. It should be minimalized in order to make the page load as fast as possible. On average, people don’t like to wait for pages to open longer than 5 seconds. Use different image compressors to decrease the size of the images such as Tiny png, Optimizilla, etc. It is also recommended to use the JPEG format of images. They are better in size and have a positive influence on the page SEO as requiring less time to load.

4. Exclude 404 Links. As you may know, 404 links take to pages that are not found. You should make sure your home page, and your overall website, don’t include such links. These broken links mislead the users and make them disappointed about your platform as well as your services. Once they appear on a broken page, they may immediately leave without using your services.

Pay special attention to the links on the buttons, registration, and contact form. If you have social media icons in your home page footer, make sure they properly lead your page on that specific social media platform.


To Sum Up


Now you know the importance of the website home page on your business growth. You are familiar with the most essential points to consider when developing this important page. So, you have all the required knowledge to start today. If you don’t have a website yet, then it’s the right time to give a start, following the trends.

If you already have a website, but its design doesn’t meet the demands, then you may think about redesigning it. Whatever you need, feel free to share your ideas, learn about the likely benefits as well as discuss possible risks.


Vera Mirzoyan

Article by: Vera Mirzoyan
Published on: December 21, 2020
Last updated on: December 21, 2020