Case Study for
“Amateur Fishing and Hunting
Electronic Application System”

The Overview
“Amateur fishing and hunting electronic application system” is a software program created upon emergency for the Ministry of Nature Protection for the sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem service management. For this purpose, the AIST team developed and maintained DMS, CMS and a fully responsive website. The system allows end-users to apply online application and receive the contract. The system helps MoNP employees to upload data records and publish them to the site. The system also assists in supervising and inspection processes of preventing illegal hunting.
The Ministry of Nature Protection Faced the Problem
“Amateur fishing and hunting electronic application system” is a software program for possible coordination of biodiversity conservation, as well as for ecosystem service management. The Ministry of Nature Protection required the software which can solve the following issues:

- 1.The sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem services at the local level.
- 2.The implementation of broad capacity of regarding the management biodiversity and ecosystem services.
- 3.The supervision of amateur fishing and hunting process, for the inspection process of tracking and preventing illegal hunting.
- 4.The online application system for hunters who cannot come and get their licenses from the Ministry.
- 5.The input of big data can be safely kept and used for reporting to make accurate decisions.
- 6.The nice-looking, easy to use and mobile responsive website for the online application process.
The Process
Our software development and design team collaborated closely with end-users, MoNP employees and GIZ advisors. During the whole process, we used the interactive prototypes to test and evaluate the online application system and the DMS for physical, functional and conceptual usability.

We held UX testing for an Online application system for different devices to make sure the high user experience. The design team did a great job on photos and coloring, which is specific to amateur fishing and hunting sphere.
The software development team worked closely with MoNP employees and advisors to make sure the accuracy of each field, terminology for the data input, data input type, and user accessibility.
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The Solution
The system consists of two main solutions: Database Management System (DMS) and website management (CMS), and website. The software is trilingual, created so that additional languages can be added. The website consists of the following sections
- 1.Electronic application system
- 2.Legislation and announcements
- 3.GIS maps
- 4.Profiles of hunters
The software is also available on a mobile device. The electronic application system consists of two sections; amateur fishing and amateur hunting.
The hunter can enter the type of the hunt; select the quantity and period that is directly related to the amount and period allowed by law.
The hunter can also select the region and hunting area with the help of a GIS Map. After entering and confirming the hunt’s type, the hunter performs online payment through the site and gets his/her electronic contract.
The hunters have their profile pages, where they can see already created contracts, download them, as well as see all the payments.
The database and content management system enable admin users to import and modify the necessary data on base and site. The system is easy to manage, as it is searching, filtering and downloading excel file ability.

Back –End Programming
PHP7, Laravel 5.7, MySQL 5.6
Front-End Programming
AngularJS, Bootstrap, SASS
Design Concepts(User Experience)
Wireframing, Prototyping, Visual Design,
Usability Testing

The Results
The system helps::
- 1.Apply for a hunting license online, without visiting MoNP.
- 2.The inspection process of tracking and preventing illegal hunting.
- 3.The sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

- Based on the data collected during some period:
- 1.The system can help to analyze hunting quantity on each hunting area, and if they are not equally spread across all hunting areas, the decision could be made to limit the hunting in particular hunting area to preserve the ecosystem. Thus the hunter will have limitations due to territorial and quantitative restrictions in a single application form and contract.
- 2.With the accurate records, the system can also help with the hunt species distribution modeling, being an additional support tool for similar systems.
- 3.The system’s friendly interface allows the development of the new tools and techniques, to widen the future use of the system.
- 4.The system can easily connect to any other existing system and transfer data between.

The Wow feedback
In the frame of Integrated Biodiversity Management, South Caucasus regional project commissioned by BMZ and implemented jointly by GIZ and partner ministries AIST Global LLC was contracted to provide consultancy services for the development of an online fishing and hunting permits management system within the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia. The consultancy was contracted for the period of five months, from September 2018 to January 2019 and AIST Global has provided fully satisfactory services so far.
German Development CooperationIntegrated Biodiversity Management,
South Caucasus
Mr. Tobias Wittmann
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